Sunday, September 03, 2006

South Beach Diet

So, I have been doing the South Beach Diet now on and off for the last month. It hasn't been as hard to follow as I thought it would be and I have lost 22 pounds so far. Granted I have a lot to lose, but I am really happy with that considering we had a housewarming party and I went to New Orleans during that time. I am telling you now that there is absolutely no way to stick with a diet while in New Orleans. The beignets, cafe au lait, and pralines were too hard to resist!

So, to help me hopefully do even better, I am going to start posting my loses (or gains) once a week on my blog. If I put it in print for all the world to see it will keep me more likely to stick with it.

This past week I lost 2 pounds!

1 comment:

katertoter said...

Way to GO.
Any loss is a great loss. Keep it up!