Saturday, September 09, 2006

Weekly Weigh In

Well, I thought I had a pretty bad week, diet wise, but it ended up being pretty good. This morning I weighed in 3 pounds less than last week for a total of 25 pounds lost since I started on South Beach! This week was rough mostly because my husband was out of town. He usually cooks dinners for us, and is good about making it something I can eat and still be following my diet. Well, with him gone, and me working late, I just was too tired to cook and ended up doing some fast food stops this week, and, well, let's just say I didn't stick to the salads. Anyway, he's going to be out of town for the next week, so I am just going to have to plan things better so that I can stick with my diet even if he isn't here to cook for us.

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