Monday, July 31, 2006

We're home!

Well, me and my little one spent the last week in Sacramento, CA visiting the in-laws. We had a good time, but really foudn that 5 days there just isn't enough time. With everyone having to work during the weekdays, having only evenings and the weekend didn't leave a lot of time for visiting. And, I really wanted to make a trip up to Lake Tahoe, and that didn't happen, so maybe next time.

Lanie was awesome as usual all week. She was seeing a lot of people that she doesn't see very often and wasn't getting to take her regular naps, but was really pretty good all week.

Now, I have less than a week until school starts and I am dreading it since it looks like I am stuck in a position that I absolutely do not want. All I can say is that I will suck it up and do it for a year, but then I am out of there!

Anyway, I am about to collapse, so I will say goodnight!

1 comment:

katertoter said...

Glad you all have a great trip. Never seems like there is a enough time to seee everyone and do everthing. Sorry you have to go back to work, just a year right?