Sunday, July 16, 2006

Having underwater tea parties!

Well, yesterday we had some friend's over for barbecue and swimming. Since I couldn't go in the pool, our friend, Mindy, was kind enough to keep Lanie occupied. Since we have been able to use the pool, we have been working with Lanie on the skills she had learned in her swim lessons, one of which was going underwater to "see the fishies." Well, she has pretty much across the board said no every time we have asked if she wanted to go underwater or go see the fishies. She would talk about it before going out to the pool, but then when we got out there she would adamantly say no. Well, yesterday, Mindy was playing with her and told her they were going to have an underwater tea party and she got Lanie to put her head underwater all on her own! What a proud mommy moment that was for me. It's especially so for me because I myself won't put my head under water due to some pretty severe phobias (that, yes, I am trying to overcome considering I now have a pool in my backyard).


Texan in Kuwait said...

How cute!! Rylee is still such a weenie about putting her face under.

katertoter said...

What a great idea. I bet she will turn into a fish soon. Oh-Happy to hear you can see now! It is so awesome. Glad everything went ok.