Saturday, July 08, 2006

I know... it's been a while....

...... and a lot of things have changed!

Where to start? I guess the biggest change has been our move into the new house and the very recent completion of the swimming pool (which I have a very hard time keeping Lanie out of!). I am enjoying the new house, but still have way tooo much stuff to still unpack and get organized. It's a bit overwhelming and in my ususal procrastinating manner, little has actually been accomplished in the weeks since I got out of school. While I have done a lot in that time and have been dealing with an injured foot, I really have no excuse as to why we aren't more settled in. I need to work on that, and try to get some motivation.

On the work side, the district is trying to move me to a different school. I was so happy at my job this past year, and I feel like they are trying to take that away. I know it's nothing personal against me, it's just that the numbers in the program at my school are a lot less thatn what is needed to have two teachers. I still can't help but feel like I'm being punished somehow. I have to just start hoping that either another position comes available at my school, or that they find me a position that I will love just as much at another school. Trying to follow the whole things happen for a reason philosophy I guess.

The bright spot in my life, as usual, is my beautiful little girl. I have been having a blast with her this summer, spending a lot of time at our community pool and now in out own pool! We had Cassy and Rylee staying with us for a couple weeks, and really enjoyed getting to spend time with them before they left on their big adventure! Lanie and I are going to miss the hell out of those two!

That's pretty much life in a nutshell at this time. I can't promise that I am going to keep this thing up, but I'll give it a try!

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