Monday, October 16, 2006

Must be perfect...

Some of you who have seen my house on a normal day may not believe this, but I am a perfectionist. The problem with my kind of perfectionism is that if I don't think I can get it totally PERFECT then I generally just don't try at all. This is something that has happened my whole life. When I was in school, I got by without studying much and made decent grades. Could I have made better grades if I tried? Probably, but then there was also the chance that I could put forth all that effort and still not get any better grades. Now, as I have grown up, this same mentality seems to prevail when it comes to maintaining my house, or pretty much anything to be quite honest. I think I worry so much that all of the effort would be in vain that I just decide not to try. It affects everything and everyone in my life and cause some significant problems in my relationships. Now, I am pretty good at getting things done in a pinch at the last minute, which makes me a procrastinator as well, but I end up staying up all night to do something that could be done in just a few minutes everyday. That is what I am going to start trying to do. I am going to start with babysteps, and hopefully I can get my home and my head more organized so that I can better enjoy my life. I certainly don't want to pass along my bad habits to my daughter, and so for her and myself I definitely want to make this work and get past some of my problems with perfectionism.

1 comment:

Stephanie not in TX said...

And some of us know that about you really well ;-)


But then again, I'm in much the same boat.