Thursday, October 06, 2005

We did it!

We bought the house... or should I say the plot of dirt. We signed the contract for a nice brand new house to be built within the next six months. So, now the fun begins. Within the next two weeks we have to make ALL of our selections: paint, carpet, tile, cabinets, doors, trim, lighting, etc, etc..... Tomorrow we have a meet and greet scheduled with the builder, but that is only supposed to take a few minutes. But that is the guy I am sure we will be talking a lot to! The design center hasn't called yet to make our appointment to make all of our selections so we are a bit antsy about that, considering the time frame in which we must make all the decisions and I really don't want to make any final decisions the first time we go there. Anyway, I am sure a lot of my ranting over the next 6 months or so will be about this whole process, because from what I hear, it can be an unpleasant experience!

As far as everything else goes, things are going pretty well. I still love my job, my little girl is awesome, and me and the hubby are even doing well. So, I really don't have anything to bitch about... for now!

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