Wednesday, October 12, 2005

How did THAT happen?!?!

My little girl is 18 months old today! I just can't believe it. How quickly all this time has flown. She is getting to be such a big girl now, talking away, running everywhere and definitely developing a personality all her own. She is so strong willed and self confident and I hope she continues to be a strong as she grows up as she is today.

I took this picture of her in her bassinet just over a week ago before I sold it at our garage sale. I had to keep telling myself that it is just a thing, but it was really hard to let it go. I cried, which I am not sure why I did, but I guess it was just the realization that she isn't a little baby anymore. I love this little girl more than anything and as much as I have enjoyed the time while she has been small, I also look forward to seeing the incredible young woman that I know she is going to grow up to be.

1 comment:

cassy said...

What a great post!!! I know it was tough to let that bassinette go.

I'm glad you got a picture of her in it first, though!