Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Now I'm excited

Well after the hell I went through at my last school, I really think things are looking up. I was really apprehensive about calling my new principal, not knowing how she felt about just having a teacher assigned to her school without her input. Well, I called this morning and she sounds wonderful. She said she was happy to hear from me and excited about having me there. Maybe South Hills is where I am meant to be. It is still quite a commute, but it is a Resource teaching position, which I am really excited about. I am so happy to be out of behavior improvement, I was just so burned out. I had also been a bit apprehensive about going into teaching a resource class, having no idea what to do, but the principal told me that I am to be the second resource teacher there, and that the current resource teacher has been there 14 years. Talk about having someone to learn the ropes from! I cannot even express in words how relieved I feel. The principal is going to call and let me know when I can move my things into my portable (yes, I have to go back to being in a portable). SHe also is going to let me know whether I will be teaching the K-2 or 3-5 grade resource students. She was going to let the current teacher have first dibs, so we'll see what I get. I will be fine with either, there are good things and bad things at each grade so I'll just have to wait and see.

Well, that's my excitement for today!

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