Monday, December 25, 2006

I went to church and....

did not spontaneously combust!!! Until last night, I had not been in a church for, well, I really don't remember the last time. The last time I went on a regular basis I was in high school, which was in the late 80s. Lately, I have thought a lot about my own spirituality and how that impacts my little girl. My husband is decidedly not religious, and considers himself agnostic (I think being the son of a minister may have something to do with that). When I was younger I was very involved in church and considered myself very religious. After I went away to college, I had a crisis of faith, and started to question a lot of what I had previously believed. My second major in college was Religious Studies so I did a lot of studying about a lot of different religions which just added to my confusion. I visited a lot of churches and became very disillusioned with organized religions as a whole, and decided my own individual spirituality was more important than whether or not I went to any particular church. But now, I really miss the community and fellowship that being a part of a church family can provide, and I really don't want Lanie to miss out on that opportunity either.

SO, that brings me to last night. My parents and sister had decided to go to a Christmas Eve service at a local Lutheran church (which is the religion my mother was raised with in Norway). I decided to go with them and take Lanie. Luckily it was a family service designed for people with children because Lanie was not real sure of just how to behave in a church service! So, other than having to chase her around and try to keep her quiet, I really enjoyed the service. There weren't a lot of people there, so it was an intimate service, and I got a chance to speak with many of those there. I have always liked smaller churches better and this definitely fit that bill. Now, I don't think I will start going to church every week, but it is making me think more about it.

It is nice to know that I can still enter a church and not be struck by lightning!

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