Thursday, September 08, 2005

I've been tagged...

So, I've been tagged by my good friend Cassy to list 100 things about myself. I think she did it because I haven't been posting at all, and have been a neglectful blogger. So here it is... not very interesting, but it's me.

1. I was born in California.
2. I have the greatest parents in the whole world.
3. I have a sister who I think is wonderful, even if she drives me crazy sometimes.
4. I have been married to David for almost 6 years.
5. We met on AOL, in the San Francisco Bay Area chat room.
6. No, we did not have a long drawn out internet romance.
7. We met in person for coffee the same day we met online.
8. We lived together for over 3 years before we got married.
9. We bought the house we live in together before we got married.
10. We have one child, Alana, my beautiful little girl, who is the center of my world.
11. I had Alana by c-section because she was transverse and we thought she was 10+ pounds.
12. My parents watch Alana for me while I work.
13. I work as a Special Education teacher.
14. The teaching job I had for the last 4 years was hell.
15. I love my new job.
16. I am a Special Ed Resource Teacher in an elementary school.
17. I am the Student Council advisor at my new school.
18. I could be a better teacher but...
19. I am lazy.
20. Which is one of the things I am trying to work on.
21. I am overweight.
22. I am working on that too.
23. My self esteem could use a boost.
24. Yeah, working on that too.
25. I am a Pisces.
26. I am very emotional.
27. I worry too much.
28. I am a bit paranoid.
29. I am a people pleaser.
30. I have been hurt by too many people I considered friends.
31. Which makes me a bit weary when trying to make new friends.
32. I think I have some great friends.
33. I wish I could spend more time with my friends.
34. I grew up going to church at the Salvation Army.
35. I became disillusioned with the church during my senior year in high school.
36. When we got a new minister who ended up sexually harassing the office staff.
37. I knew there was some reason I didn't like him.
38. I went to college at SMU in Dallas.
39. I stopped going to church when I went to college.
40. I majored in Sociology and Religious Studies.
41. I had a minor in Medieval Studies.
42. I studied in Oxford for a summer.
43. I was not in a sorority.
44. But was in a co-ed service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega
45. I graduated with honors.
46. My friends are amazed I did as well in college with as little studying as I did.
47. I wish I had put forth more effort in college.
48. I have thought about going to law school more times than I can count.
49. My first job out of college was as Assistant Manager of a clothing store.
50. After job hopping for a while I ended up working in politics.
51. I was a Republican before I became old enough to vote.
52. I had Bush/Quayle posters up in my dorm room my Freshman year.
53. By the time I was old enough to vote I was much more liberal, and very much a Democrat.
54. I voted for Ann Richards in the first election I could vote in.
55. I worked on the 1st Clinton/Gore campaign.
56. I was Vice President of the Texas Young Democrats.
57. And served on the State Democratic Executive Committee, which I thought was really cool when I was 23.
58. I met President Clinton in 1995.
59. I have an Official White House photograph of me and Clinton.
60. I don't like what Clinton did in his personal life.
61. But, I liked his policy and think he is a great politician.
62. I also got to meet Hilary Clinton once.
63. I worked for a Democratic congresswoman from Dallas.
64. That was the only job I have ever been "released" from.
65. I still resent that, because I think I was doing a good job.
66. That was in 1995, one of the worst years in my life.
67. In addition to losing my job, my boyfriend at the time moved out with no explanation.
68. After he had neglected to change the oil in my car like he said he had, so the engine seized.
69. So I was in Dallas with no job, no roommate and no car.
70. So I moved back home with my parents.
72. I got a job with the county doing Eligibility Work.
73. 4 months after moving back to CA, I met David.
74. We moved to Edmond, Oklahoma in 1997 with David's company.
75. We moved here to Trophy Club in 1999 when David got a job down here.
76. I did social work with Child Protective Services for 3 1/2 years in OK and TX.
77. I didn't feel my life was complete until I had Lanie.
78. I would like to have another child, but I am happy with her for now.
79. I am 6 1/2 years older than my husband.
80. I don't think that really matters or makes that big of a difference in our lives (except when he was under 21 and couldn't buy his own beer!)
81. I bowl in a league with my husband every Sunday morning.
82. Yes, that means we don't go to church.
83. I have a hard time with organized religion.
84. But miss the community it offers.
85. I think I am a spiritual person, but not a religious one.
86. I think it is more important to be spiritual.
87. I think a lot of "religious" people are a bunch of show with no substance.
88. I am pretty much apolitical now.
89. I still am pretty liberal when it comes to social issues.
90. I find myself becoming more moderate to conservative fiscally though.
91. I more closely identify with democrats still, but my husband is more republican in his views.
92. I don't like our current President's policies, positions, anything!
93. I don't think enough money is spent on education, and not just for teacher's salaries.
94. I hate the TAKS test, and none of my students even have to take it.
95. I teach in public school but want my daughter to go to private school, so I guess that makes me a hypocrite.
96. I don't read as much as I would like.
97. I love to scrapbook but don't do it as much as I would like.
98. I take pictures of my daughter every chance I get.
99. I think my little girl is the cutest baby in the whole world.
100. I love my little girl more than I ever thought was possible.

Well, that's it.... well not really. As I got to the end of this I thought of a lot more I could write, and considering I thought I was going to have a hard time coming up with 100, I think that is amazing. Well, 100 is all I was tagged for and 100 it is! Guess if you want to know more, you'll have to come over and have a bottle of wine with me!

Hmmm..... I guess my only other blogging friend that hasn't already done this is Stephanie, so tag you're it!

1 comment:

cassy said...

So, you and Kami should meet. Read her blog from the link on mine. She was in the democratic party thing too. And she met Clinton too.

I'm glad you played. I learned something...and I thought I knew you! LOL
